Can you think of a better time than now to focus on peace, love and freedom? These expressions define awakened consciousness, and they also define the ideal conditions in which we can best enjoy life. Not only claiming peace for ourselves but living in peace with others. Not only claiming love for ourselves but living in love with others. Not only claiming freedom for ourselves but living in freedom with others. Each and every one of us is on a journey of spiritual awakening, a deepening of knowledge and enlightenment, which can also be reflected in a life of liberation.


If we can't share peace, love, and freedom with others it's only because we lack these conditions in ourselves. We can't give what we don't have. But what if we have something in abundance yet don't recognise that we have it? Then we need to look closely, deeply, to see which things are really ours.   


The two thickest veils to our seeing are ignorance and fear. Tainted by ignorance the mind does not see what it is, and what it is not, what it has, and what it has not. Tainted by fear the mind is agitated by what it perceives, awakened in peace it is equanimous. Tainted by fear the mind separates from what it perceives, awakened in love it unites. Tainted by fear the mind wishes to dominate what it perceives, awakened in freedom it liberates.      


Whatever you are doing, whatever you are about to do, consider whether it is motivated by fear or love. If it is love then peace and freedom will be your companions.